Cold Pressed Gummies - M0030
- Cold Pressed CBD Oil
- Gummies
- 70% Ethanol
- Icing Sugar
- Maize Starch
- Tumbler
- Compressed Air Sprayer
- Glass Beaker
- Scale
- Hot Plate
- Glass rod.
- Place a beaker onto the scale and measure out amount of cold pressed CBD oil needed.
- Add the amount of 70% ethanol needed. Stir to combine, using glass rod.
- Pour the mixture into the compressed air sprayer. Ensure the top cap is secured tightly.
- Empty gummies into tumbler and turn on.
- Turn on the air compressor and spray the gummies, holding the gun near the top of tumbler to maximize coverage.
- After the contents of the gun have been sprayed, turn off the air compressor and leave gummies to spin to allow the ethanol to evaporate. Spin in increasing 5 minute increments until ethanol has evaporated.
- Once the ethanol has evaporated. Slowly and evenly add in the icing sugar on top of the gummies. Allow to spin to maximize coverage.
- Package Gummies.